growing active followers of Jesus Christ and building his community
Small Groups

Connect, Grow, & Love at HPPC
We have different kinds of groups because everyone has a different comfort level when it comes to meeting people and sharing our lives with them. To some extent, all three types of groups will Connect, Grow, and Love, but the focus for each is a little different. Some groups are larger (over 40 people), and some have as few as six members. We hope there will be something for everyone! To get connected with a group, scroll to the bottom of the page and use the form.
Connect Groups
Generally focused around an activity/social event and many are comprised of people in similar life stages
Book Club—Meets 3rd Thursdays at HPPC to discuss books with Christian themes.
Welcoming Committee—Meets 3rd Tuesday evenings to brainstorm ways to help newcomers feel connected at HPPC.
Top of the Hill—Meets 2nd Tuesday afternoons. Listen to a speaker share an informative program and enjoy lunch together.
Grow Groups
These tend to be more traditional “small groups” with a focus on Bible study, prayer, and fellowship.
Growing through the Scriptures—Meets Sept-June, Sunday mornings before worship, currently over Zoom at 7:30 AM.
Tuesday Morning Men’s Bible Study—Meets in person (also available via Zoom) on Tuesday mornings at 7:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall.
Wednesday Morning Bible Study—Meets in person Wednesday mornings at 9:30 AM.
Wednesday Afternoon Women's Small Group—Meets on Zoom on Wednesday afternoons at 2 PM for Bible study and discipleship.
Friday Afternoon Women's Small Group—Meets on Zoom, Friday afternoons at 1:00 PM.
Love Groups
The purpose of these groups is to serve those in need in our congregation, our community, and beyond.
Beyond Relief—Meets monthly with a current focus on looking at the systemic issues that are causing homelessness in Spokane.
Mission & Service Committee—Meets monthly to discover ways the HPPC congregation can support our community with volunteer and financial assistance.
Deborah Circle—Meets on the first Monday of each month at HPPC. The Debs work together to provide hats and mittens to area school children, as well as lap robes and blankets for area agencies.
Congregational Care Team—ministers to those in our congregation who are no longer in a position to regularly attend or actively participate in the life of the church.