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Mission Partnerships

Mission Trips

Mission trips are an excellent opportunity to put faith in action.  They are also incredibly formative experiences.  

YOUTH (9th-12 graders)

Each summer the high school youth of HPPC go on a mission trip where we serve others, grow in faith, and bond as a group through travel and service. We love having the chance to work together, and the past mission trips to Puerto Rico, Washington DC, and Ganado, Arizona have been amazing! Check out our Youth Ministries page, including mission trips, here.​​ Contact Mitchel Pierce, Director of Next Gen Ministries, at with questions.​


There are many ways to be involved in this mission partnership. Participate in a trip (speaking Spanish is an asset, but not required); give financially to the mission fund; pray for the partnership. We not only hope to make a lasting difference in the lives of Guatemalans, we expect that our lives and perspectives will be transformed as well. Contact Mary Mattie at for information about the next trip!

Guatemala Mission Partners
Betsey & Eric Moe

Hamblen partners with Mission Co-Workers Betsey & Eric Moe as they work with the Protestant Center for Pastoral Studies in Central America (CEDEPCA), a long-time Presbyterian World Mission partner. Click here to learn more about our work in Guatemala. ​

Friends in Guatemala
Event in Guatemala
Students in Guatemala
Hamblen Park Presbyterian Church

growing active followers of Jesus Christ and building his community

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