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All giving, of ourselves as well as our financial resources, is in response to God’s goodness and generosity. God gives, then we respond, and we spend our lives learning and growing in our responses.

Electronic Giving


Hamblen relies on the financial support of the congregation, and electronic giving offers an easy way to give on a recurring basis. Consider automating your regular donations with one of our electronic giving options.  


1.  Set up automatic giving yourself.  Use your credit card, debit card, or have payments deducted directly from your checking or saving account.  Use the Give Now button above to go to the secure donation page.

2.  Have the Director of Ministry Operations set up automatic withdrawals from your checking or savings account for you.  An authorized withdrawal form and voided check are needed to set up.


Questions on either of these options can be directed to the Director of Ministry Operations.


My Giving History


To view your giving history log into your personal account through My Hamblen. Questions about contributions may be addressed by contacting the Director of Ministry Operations.


Special Offerings


The first Sunday of each month Hamblen encourages you to support the Deacons and the many outreach opportunities they are involved with. Use the yellow pew envelope to designate your gift to one of these funds.


Hamblen participates in several churchwide special offerings of the Presbyterian Church (USA). These are a collective witness to Jesus Christ’s love for the whole church. Each offering plays an important role in defining what it means to be a connectional church. Over the years these offerings have provided ways for individuals and congregations to join together with each other and in partnership with other Christians in responding to a variety of concerns. 


Hamblen Park Presbyterian Church

growing active followers of Jesus Christ and building his community

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