growing active followers of Jesus Christ and building his community
Sign Up to Join a Dinner Group!
This is a great way to get to know others in our congregation better. Interested couples, singles, and families are invited to sign up to be assigned to groups that will meet over the course of a year – April to March. At the end of the year the opportunity to sign up again will be made and new groups will be organized. We suggest each household take a turn organizing or hosting a gathering, meeting 3-4 times over the course of the year.
There will be two types of groups:
Dinner for Seven – couples and singles will be assigned to groups of 5-7 people.
Family Dinner – families with children who wish to meet with other families who have children of similar ages. Groups will be organized into three families each.
Use the form below or sign up at the Information Center in the church entry. Groups will be assigned the week of April 15. If you have questions contact: Pam Richardson 509-710-1392,; Kay Steinhilber 509-951-9223; Diane Bahr 509-598-1353.